50,000,000 BCE:
The first swamp troggs emerge out of the ocean.
5,000 BCE:
Egyptian Punks perform the first Acid Drop off the Pyramids.
1,200 BCE:
Greek Skateboarders invent Greek Fire to ignite rings of fire to ollie through.
1492 CE:
Skateboarders were kicked off Columbus’s Nina, Pinta, and Santa Maria from using the ship’s hall for ramp construction.
1965 CE:
Brewce Martin fought his way out of his mother’s womb with a dagger in his mouth and a map of Europe.
1967-1969 CE:
Brewce Martin sees Star Trek and imagines another world for skateboarders. Also, he starts to imitate James T. Kirk.
1974 CE:
Brewce Martin’s first time skateboarding on a borrowed board. After which many attempts of home made stump boards were made.
1977 CE:
Brewce Martin won his first skateboard from the Parkersburg Newspaper. Using his superior engineering skills, he began building the original Skatopia in his basement with closet doors, particle board, linoleum, and other odds & ends.
1978 CE:
Brewce gets his first wooden skateboard, a Logan Earth Ski, which is recovered in 1990 at a garage sale and begins the skateboard museum.
1979 CE:
Brewce’s first outdoor quarter pipe was constructed. It was 4 feet wide, 8 feet tall. In another feat of sheer will, young Martin jumps 11 trashcans approximately 2 feet in diameter each.
1980 CE:
Brewce moved to the country for such refineries as clean air, fine women, clear moonshine, and home brew beer. And to escape the justice system.
1980-1988 CE:
2nd Phase of Skatopia: 1 Quarter Pipe, 2 Half Pipes, hundreds of kegs, and numerous inane parties at mom’s house.
1988 CE:
Brewce traded in the quiet life when he moved to Florida. His dreams of Skatopia were forgotten for hot chicks, high profile skateboarding, and designer drugs.
1993 CE:
Kicked out of Florida. Moved to West Virginia to start Phase three of Skatopia. What happened in the next 2 years, only a few know about and no one is telling.
1995 CE:
Oct. 20th – Evicted from West Virginia for being too cool in a non-cool environment:: Oct. 27th – Mass skateboard exodus from
West Virginia, (Skatopia’s Phase 3) led by the Skatepope.
Nov. 1st – Viewed land where Skatopia currently resides.
Nov. 17th – Bought Skatopia a former pot farm and poverty ridden cattle farm.
1996 CE:
Epcot Bean Completed. First Bowl Bash complete with sorority girls, mud, and Pabst Blue Ribbon. This officially kicks off the final phase of the Skatopia dream that every child has.
1997 CE:
Began reconstruction of the King Dong Ramp. Began clearing the land and planting the path of the future skateboard monument and parties. JFA plays Bowl Bash 2 and Jodi Foster shows up.
1998 CE:
King Dong Ramp completed. Word spreads Skatopia is the place to go and the cops go there.
1999 CE:
Many expansions in the Barn for stages, and areas for bands, parking areas expanded. More and more bands sign up for play time. Brewce’s reputation for being the Skatepope grows.
2000 CE:
Real TV comes to Skatopia. The dawning of the corporate caveman begins. He unfurls his reign of terror throughout the televised world. Soon after BAM becomes a super hero and the corporate caveman becomes hidden among the BAM posters, pre-holed condoms, and other branded items.
2001 CE:
Bowl bash 6 brings huge media coverage. Thrusting Skatopia into the lime light as skateboading’s mecca. The indoor bowl was covered with skatelight and more expansions are done around the barn.
2002 CE:
The full pipe is complete for Bowl Bash 7 – The Skatopia Jihad is officially launched. As the goals of the jihad are met one by one, skaters around the world rejoice and flock to Skatopia for pilgrimage.
2003 CE:
Bowl Bash 8, witnesses the unfurling of the indoor concrete kidney bowl. With a natural spring running through it that makes a better bath tub than a pool. However, recent improvements have made the pool skateable on a more regular basis.
2004 CE:
October – Activision includes Skatopia as a level on the THUG2 video game which reverberates through the tiddling fingers and
thumbs of every child that comes to skatopia for the next 10 years
Feburary – Viva La Bam comes to Skatopia which reverberates through the grinding hips of every female that comes to
Skatopia for the next 10 years
Summer – Lula bowl is completed. Thus begining the 1 mile snake run that will end at Brewce’s bedroom
2005 CE:
Spring – Skatopia starts the Hillbilly Dream Tour leaving patches of scorched earth across the USA.:: Summer – Bowl Bash X celebrating ten years of anarchy & The Tennessee Beast wins the striptease contest.
Fall – Skatopia launches its own shoeline under Draven Shoes.
2006 – 2009 CE:
Constantly adding on to the Lula Bowl. Built a stage for big bands to perform in an amphitheatre environment. Demolished the King Dong Ramp to make room for more concrete. Building a NEW concrete combi bowl next to the Lula Bowl. Assembling Tim Clarks Skatopia travel bowl in the Church Of Skatin. New Pabst Blue Ribbon Beer Pool Hall. The Skatopia Movie “88 Acres Of Anarchy” Hit the Film Festival Circuit. Cities Included New York City, NY, Golden, CO, Seattle, WA, Santa Barbara, CA, Hot Springs, AR, Athens, OH, Columbus, OH, Charleston, WV & Amsterdam, Netherlands.
2010 CE:
The Amity Whitelight Amphitheatre is completed & the first concert called The “American Skate Fest” June 25th & 26th with GWAR & Fishbone headling. Other bands were Agent Orange, DI, DOA, CJ Ramone, Aggression, Meat Puppets, Greg Ginn, Green Jellÿ & Others. Bones Wheels came out with a Skatopia wheel. 54mm STF & 60mm SPF.
2011 CE:
MTV True Life: I’m Going To Skatopia aired on April 9th, 2011.